Stories Help Children Make Transitions More Easily

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We've all been there. We're picking up our child from school or a play date, when suddenly everything goes haywire. Or we've just thrown the world's best birthday party, and right as everyone is leaving the birthday girl has a major meltdown.

Transition times can be stressful for child and parent, yet we encounter them almost every day. In this episode, we share a few story strategies that can help parents and children stay connected during these delicate moments.

Bringing a story into transitions can give children something to look forward to, rather than merely experiencing the end of what was. Unlike other treats, which are often a substitute, stories give children what they really want - your love and attention.

With just a little practice you can easily establish a routine at pick-up time, clean-up, or morning preparations, turning previously stressful transitions into a time you and your child look forward to. Such a skill can be priceless for parents.

Photo by La-Rel Easter via UnSplash

Joe Brodnik