Motherhood Stories on Mothers Day

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True stories of motherhood are a gift both to those who speak and to those who listen. Your story is unique. It is worth sharing.

In this episode, we draw attention to the need for mothers of all kinds to share your stories and speak your truth. What is motherhood to you? What has it been like to bring life into this world? For men, this is an opportunity to listen.

Listening with patience and without an agenda is one of the greatest gifts we can give to another human being. Telling stories is not merely about telling stories. It requires a listener, and within the two a relationship is formed. What does it mean to truly listen this Mothers Day? What does it mean to truly speak?

Your story resonates out like ripples on a pond, touching the hearts of girls, boys, men and women - many of whom will be mothers some day, will tend for mothers, and live to tell their own stories.

There are 2 billion mothers on the earth. We invite you to truly listen to the ones in your life. For many of you, this may be yourself.

Thank you to all the wonderful mothers out there! Happy Mothers Day!


Photo by Isaac Quesada via UnSplash

Joe Brodnik